Technicians Law


What is the “Technicians’ Law” and what constitutes “Technician Delay”?
In 2008, Amendment No. 24 to Section 18a of the Consumer Protection Law, 1981, known as the Technicians’ Law, came into effect. The amendment aims to define the obligations and scope of responsibility for businesses selling specific goods or services.

This includes specifying, among other things: the hours a technician can arrive; how technician visits should be coordinated; when a technician’s lateness is not subject to sanction; and when a consumer is entitled to compensation without proof of damage (e.g., technician delay).

In 2017, Amendment 55 to the Consumer Protection Law came into effect and was integrated into Section 18a of the Law. This amendment expanded the list of service providers and products subject to the provisions. Consequently, the list of cases in which consumers may be entitled to financial compensation was broadened.

The amendment serves a dual purpose: (1) establishing a deterrent behavioral standard for businesses regarding the valuable time of consumers; (2) providing fair compensation for a wider range of situations where consumers have been harmed and their time wasted.

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