
Understanding flight cancellations in Israel: from COVID-19 to security concerns, discover the challenges faced by passengers and their rights under the Tivi Law.

Articles on Aviation Litigation.

Flight cancellations or delays resulting in the denial of benefits and compensation by the airline? Learn more about the fine print often overlooked by passengers. This category explains aviation litigation.

Read about the list of benefits and compensation in cases of flight cancellation/delay/advancement/terms alteration/refusal to board.

About Us: Dino is an Israeli startup established to address the critical lack of readily available legal technology in the field of small claims. It is the first and only technology of its kind in the small claims arena.

Our service conforms to the directives of the judiciary, offering approximately 75% cost savings, a user-friendly questionnaire, a document attachment add-on, and a 14-minute turnaround for preparing a claim.

As part of our technological development and service accessibility, the system includes built-in support tools (such as a wizard, informational resources, and a structured document upload tool).

Our system adapts the claim’s language to reflect gender (masculine/feminine), number (singular/plural), etc.

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עם דינו, אין תביעה קטנה מידי.

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